Sunday, March 11, 2007

It's Been A While!

I know, and I have to send out my apologies! Some things have kept me away from this blog, and I'm trying to make the correct adjustments. It's been taking longer than anticipated because of me...I've been procrastinating. But, I think I am ready to come back. If you are unaware of what I've been doing, then please check my other two should bring you somewhat up to speed. Please continue to pray for me, as I know it's been helping me and I know I need it.

Thank you!
Grace and Peace...
Amber Anique

Saturday, January 13, 2007

My 5 Minutes of Meditation... Day 7

I kept my mind on God....This was the other way I was seeking! Today was a better day!!!

Happiness Is... Day 7

Day 7...Avoiding the Traps of the World

Today's Tip
If you dwell on the world's messages, you're setting yourself up for disaster. If you dwell on God's message, you're setting yourself up for victory.

What I took from it...
This is something to truly consider...Society's priorities are transitory( lasting only a short time; brief; short-lived; temporary.); God's priorities are permanent.

AQ. (Amber's Question) Have you ever done a self appraisal? If a quicky..What is your priority?

AA. (Amber's Answer) I have done several. This is what I found...Me like everyone else wants to have the better things in life. Cars, clothes, money, house, friends...But, over the years, material things have car was wrecked, I grew in & out of clothes, checking account goes up & down...not to mention theft, don't have my house in Georgia, friends have come and gone..but what I noticed was the closer my relationship was with God, the less I focused on societies priorities...and God, through all of this...remained permanent!

My Conclusion from Today's Tip...
Keep God first, he will make certain that you have what you need and more!

Friday, January 12, 2007

My 5 Minutes of Meditation... Day 6

Ok, this day was a little harder then the rest. Shut of the brain, shut off the brain...CONCENTRATE!!!!

Happiness Is... Day 6

Day 6...Activity with Purpose

Today's Tip
Ten years from now you will be somewhere-the question is where? You have the power to make that determination. And remember: it's not about earning a living; it's about designing a life.

What I took from it...
What I took from this day is exactly what made me change and become the Amber that I am today. I changed my career because it wasn't what I was called to do, it was what I did for the last 12 years, and I did it well. I took control of my health and sought help, because the changes that I knew were in store for me required a clear mind, of which I didn't have.

AQ. (Amber's Question) What is your Purpose? Is there purpose in all that you do?

AA. (Amber's Answer) As of yet, I don't know what my Purpose is, but I am seeking it. Although there may not be Purpose in everything that I do or have done...I now ask myself the question..."What is the purpose of this?" before I continue the task.

My Conclusion from Today's Tip...
Pastor says..."Your job, therefore, is to keep searching for God's purpose in your life...and to keep searching until you find it."
He also said in a past service...Don't confuse movement with production.
Need I say more???

Thursday, January 11, 2007

My 5 Minutes of Meditation... Day 5

No news on this....I can do it though!!! I CAN, I CAN!!!

Happiness Is... Day 5

Day 5...A Result of Discipline

Today's Tip
You need a library. Pick aand choose your books wisely. Make sure they're going to build you up. Be sure that your library makes you stronger, healthier, and wiser.

What I took from it...
God has great things in store for us all! But there is no room for excuses & laziness.

AQ. (Amber's Question) How happy are you with your current lifestyle? Is content enough?

AA. (Amber's Answer) I am ok with my lifestyle, but no....content is never enough for me!! I want a house and a family...and I am working towards both and much more.

My Conclusion from Today's Tip... Don't just read anything. Be selective. Whatever you put in, becomes a part of your you want just anything in your life? Aren't you more valuable than that?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My 5 Minutes of Meditation... Day 4

Today, I placed purpose on meditation...
I purposely focused on Love.
Love for God, self, & others.
In 4 days...this has to be the best 5 minutes of meditation!

Happiness Is... Day 4

Day 4...Love

Today's Tip
The secret to successful Christian living lies in your submission to the Spirit of God. If you call yourself a Christian, then God has commanded you to love people...and it's a commandment that covers both saints and sinners.

What I took from it...
Directly from the book..."Love is a choice. Genuine love requires effort. If you want to build relationships that last, you must be willing to do your part." NEED I SAY ANYMORE?!?!?

AQ. (Amber's Question) Who do you love? Do they know?

AA. (Amber's Answer) I have a number of people that I love...first is GOD...this should go without saying, but I feel as if I should say anyway...then...(arranged alphabetically so I don't get in any trouble) Al, Angie, Ashley, Daddy (Michael), Daddy (Russell), George, Harmony, Jarice, Jo, Mom, Natasha, Ocean, Ramel, Tamara, Tyra....There are more, but these people play a VERY ACTIVE role in my life. You ask do they know?!?!?! ABSOLUTELY!!! I tell them EVERY CHANCE I GET!!! Tomorrow is never promised, make sure the people you love know, including GOD!!

My Conclusion from Today's Tip...
It's funny that this is the topic for today because last night I received a text from my baby brother, who isn't a baby...but whatever... It read... I love u! Today is I love u day!! Send to 7 people you love dearly, whether it's friendship or real love.
Hmmm....I sent it to a few people, but, I stopped...Why do we need a day, or a text to say I love you??? I tell the people above, including God, that I love them ALL THE TIME!!! ASK THEM IF YOU'D LIKE!!! I put, what I feel is alot, of effort into all of my relationships. However, I have my setbacks, but I do what I can to correct them...Do you know what your setbacks are?

Staying True

This is me...staying true to my word.
I was unable to find a different blog host for my new blog, "Inside of Me...", so...I'm back with Blogger! YAY!!! The other blog hosts just didn't fit the "Amber" that I was looking for. So, the new link is "Inside of Me...Under Construction".
You can just click on the title, or, I edited the section of Pay Attention on both blogs, so it will forward you to the site.
It's taken a lot out of me to be able to share this part of myself, but I pray you learn from my journey.

Also, just so you know, I am still reading Pastor Bernard's book, and have been taking notes. I have just been extra busy, so I haven't been able to proof and post as of yet, however, I should be up to date on everything no later than Friday...PROMISE!!! Thanks for your patience!!!

Grace & Peace,

Amber Anique :)

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

My 5 Minutes of Meditation... Day 3

I have learned how to turn off my external hearing and turn on my internal hearing!
I flipped the switch!!! YAY ME!!!
I won't extend my five minutes as of yet, but I will continue to turn off my external switch as often as possible.
Peace sounds better than chaos.

Happiness Is... Day 3

Day 3...A Way of Mind

Today's Tip
Happiness is a positive interpretation of the world and it's events. Happiness requires that you train yourself to see the good in everything, no matter what happens.

What I took from it...
How'd that song go??? "Don't worry, be happy!" Don't allow fear, anger, worry, anger, or negativity consume your thoughts. Allow yourself to think positive and be positive. Life is too short to be unhappy!!

AQ. (Amber's Question) How is your mind trained? Are you happy now? Were you happy yesterday? If you see unhappiness, or negativity, how do you intend on making adjustments?

AA. (Amber's Answer) My mind is traind to be positive, but allow negativity to take over from time to time. I am happy now and I was happy yesterday. I don't ever want to be negative, but I realize that I can be, so what I will begin to do is remove people from my spiritual life that don't reflect positivity, which will in turn, hopefully, put me back on track.

My Conclusion from Today's Tip...
I have become a people watcher. I watch people in New York, on the train, walking down the street, in the mall, etc... When I people watch, I look at people's faces. I never see smiles. Why is that? I was one of them. MY INTENTION...TO CHANGE...I don't want to continue to live my life in this fashion.

Monday, January 8, 2007

My 5 Minutes of Meditation... Day 2

My everyday struggle...

Turning off my brain for just 5 minutes.
Tomorrow is another day!!!

Happiness Is... Day 2

Day 2... Living in the Now

What I took from it...
Happiness occurs in the present tense. Give thanks for each day. Live each day as if it were your last. Let go of the past, look forward to the future, LIVE IN THE NOW! Tomorrow is not promised!

Today's Tip
If you had to be the person you are today for the rest of your life, would you be happy? If the answer is "Absolutely!" keep up the good work. But if the answer is "Maybe"-or, for that matter, an outright "No"-then it's time to take responsibility for your future...and it's time to start making changes NOW.

AQ. (Amber's Question) Can you be honest with yourself? Can you answer this question?

AA. (Amber's Answer) I can be honest with myself, and I can answer this question.

My Conclusion from Today's Tip...
Prior to 2006, my answer would have been a flat out "NO"!!! What has changed for me over the last year??? EVERYTHING!! I've changed my outlook on life, I've changed the way I view life...I've changed my LIFE!!! This wasn't something that happened over night (my friends know what I'm saying). I've allowed myself to FINALLY BE HAPPY!!! That's not to say that I don't have my struggles, because I do....but I choose to live life, my life that God has blessed me the fullest. I've been sick, stressed out, unhappy, with weight fluctuation, and much more. It had to, I went to God, and he is guiding me every step of the way into more and more happiness. My answer is Absolutely!!! I wouldn't have it any other way!!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

My 5 Minutes of Meditation... Day 1

Let's just say that this may be the hardest part for me.
I find it very difficult to shut my brain down for any amount of time.
I did meditate, but I can't say I was focused the entire time on only me & my spirit.
Hey, what can I say....I'm still processing, but I will continue to work on it, & I WILL GET BETTER!!


Happiness Is... Day 1

Today is Sunday, and the first Sunday of 2007! :)
I spent this afternoon at my church, Christian Cultural Center. I went to the 3rd service, that begins at 1pm, and then had lunch/dinner upstairs at the Koinonia with two of my best best friends, Natasha & Al. Being @ church is incredible, but to top it off with sharing the rest of the afternoon after service with two people I love makes it....ok, I was going to make up a word, but I'm just not good at that, so let's just say that today was just blessings on top of blessings.

In October our Pastor, Pastor A. R. Bernard, released a book entitled Happiness Is...a way of mind a way of life . It's a book that follows the same pattern as The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren, where you read one chapter a day. Well, by now you know, I can't just read one chapter a day, I have to keep reading. So, after a few days of both books, I had to put them down...I was WAY frustrated!!

But, today is a NEW day, and the beginning of a NEW year. So, I'm gonna try something new, with the help of My Natasha. We are going to read Happiness Is... first (one step at a time)...but we are also going to include meditation with it. Each night, one chapter, and a set time of meditation. If anyone cares to participate, let me know, otherwise....HERE GOES....

Day 1 - Finding Wisdom and Understanding & 5 minutes of meditation

What I took from it...
Happiness begins with wisdom and understanding. I should seek wisdom EVERY DAY. It's something that I should share, but the best way to do so is by leading by example.

Today's Tip
Wisdom isn't just knowing what to do-
it's doing what you know.

AQ. (Amber's Question) Do you know what wisdom is? If you don't really know what it's alright. I took the liberty of looking it up, because I like to make sure that I know the proper meaning for all words, not just what I picked up from others.

AA. (Amber's Answer) Wisdom Is...the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight.

My Conclusion from Today's Tip...
Having the knowledge to do something right means NOTHING if you just sit there and think about it...PUT YOUR WISDOM TO WORK!

Any thoughts?????

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Back to Work

Today is day two of my re-entry into the work force.
How do I feel??? Ummm, I'm happy to be working again. Not working means I tend not to do too much of anything because of my habits. I have to maintain an "Amber Lifestyle". This basically means, whatever Amber wants, Amber gets. Some of you may be making a face at the last statement, this is probably because you didn't read the statement correctly, so I'll restate and then explain...
Statement - Whatever Amber wants, Amber gets.
Explanation - If I see something that I want...I get it.

Take it the way it's stated. No one is getting it for me, I'm getting it for myself. I spoil me rotten!!
Not working means that I can't do this as much as I like to.
It's hard for me to gauge how I feel about the company or my position because I am only 2 days in, but this I can say....I love the person I work for (Eileen), and I love the flexibility of scheduling (I only work 3 days a week, and I can still finish my classes on tues & thurs)....I've got it pretty good!!

Friday, January 5, 2007

Perception of Accomplishments

It's almost 3:30am, and while most people on the Eastern seaboard are either sleeping or partying, I am up with an incredible blogging itch. I just got off of a three hour long conversation with my mother about accomplishments.

She said that I should be proud of myself because there alot of people out there that are my age that haven't gotten to do any of the things that I've done.

A friend told me that he was proud of me. I asked why and he said that because he's never known anyone my age who has held the positions and made the amount of money that I have made beginning at such a young age (I get this alot).

My opinion....Everyone has a different perception of what an accomplishment means to them. It seems that alot of people are in awe of what I've done due to my age, not necessarily my abilities. They are amazed that I've been in management for almost 12 years, implying...How can you be a manager of anything at 16 or 17 years of age? Who trusted you enough to do this?

I understand that this wasn't my mother's point, hers was more for me to see & appreciate everything I've been gifted to do.

My perception is just this....I haven't done anything amazing. Most people call me modest. I was able to sustain employment in an industry I once truly loved because that's what I did, and I did it well. Truth be told, I was to scared to try anything else. So, I just kept on trucking in fitness. Most people, through society, are engineered to beleive that you are successful or that you have accomplished something when you've made a certain amount of money. But, there are millionares who go broke...just look at the Enron scandal.
I've been through alot in my life, as many of you have. Some situations I have gotten through on top, with others I just made it through, but still....all of them only by the GRACE of GOD!!

As I continued in conversation, I started to silently cry, praying that my mother couldn't hear my sad attempt to mask it. We were on the most spiritual conversation that we have ever had with each other, and I really wanted her to understand what I now know. It seems that we have the same opinion, but it comes from different sources...I'm ok with that for now, it comes when God wants it to.

Why was I crying you ask? For a few reasons....

1) Out of frustration, or the inability, to express in words how I felt about the topic & make her agree with me without saying "but". I know that's silly, but it's what I truly felt.

2) Six or seven years ago I was told & shown what I needed to do. Yes, God told me & showed what was to happen. I made the decision not to listen and go the "easier" route...which as we all know going the opposite of God's plan is NEVER the easy route. It wasn't until this conversation did I see how stupid I was...I'M SO MAD AND DISAPPOINTED WITH MYSELF!

3) After being blessed with 27 years of life....I can only count two (2) accomplishments that I've had in my life. One was becoming born again, the other was finally, after much torture, doing what God told me to do almost seven years ago to take care of my mind, body & spirit.

I look at other's and see what I consider accomplishments, and I get upset with myself. I'm upset because had I just listened, and did what I was supposed to do maybe I would have been subject to those things years ago.

So, while 27 isn't "old" per say, I am just now coming into clarity and following my "blueprint". Why did I have to take so long?

I said this to my mother, her opinion is a little different then mine...she labled my different "accomplishments". I'd have to agree to disagree on almost all of them....but, I pose this question (because maybe it's just me)......

What is your perception of accomplishments? What are some of yours?

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Making an Attempt to Place an Order

Ok, as hard as I try, there is NO medication to keep my from wanting to spazz out on certain people...
I went into the corner store to get a sandwich made. I asked for regular Boar's Head turkey, on a roll, with lettuce, mayo, and black pepper. Did you get that? Why is the next question always...Do you want cheese? Did I ask for cheese??? Then the next question is....So, you don't want any cheese? DUDE?????????? NOOOOO, I don't wnat any cheese!!! Then.....Do you want tomato's? NO, I want regular Boar's Head turkey, on a roll, with lettuce, mayo, and black pepper. Then.....What kind of turkey do you want?

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Inside of Me...Under Construction

Today I started my first post with another blog host. IT DID NOT GO WELL!! I have a couple of posts ready for my additional blog, but the site itself is having some technical issues. So, I have spent the better part of the day on a hunt for another host. I came across a few, but none of them were an expression of me, or this topic. So, my search continues....When I do find a home for "Inside of Me...Under Construction", I will let you know, and I'll also update the link on my page. If I don't find a permanent home within the next week, I will make a temporary space on, and continue the search.
Thanks for your patience!!

Grace & Peace,

Amber Anique

007.....I like that!

Two days into the new year...not sure how I feel about it just yet. But this I can tell you, I am SO HAPPY I didn't bring in the New Year at work.
Over that last two days I haven't done anything other than rest. Great feeling, but can be a bit boring after a while. For the New Year I deleted all old text messages, and caller logs....this is a HUGE step for me! Something I've never done, but if nothing else comes out of it, I do know that my cell phone is definately working at a faster speed, lol. Not only did I let go of old messages, but I also allowed a few friends to exit my life. It's a little disheartening...I still wonder why my phone isn't ringing like it used to...but, I know it's for the best. Reason, Season, Lifetime.....I have to keep repeating this to myself.

Tomorrow is my first day at my new job! Not really excited (although, I wish I was). It's more like, I'm ready! I have 5 appointments set up for tomorrow, 2 rescheduled, 1 confirmed.....WE SHALL SEE! This week will be slow because people are still on vacation, but next week will be very telling......LET'S ROCK!!!

Monday, January 1, 2007


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! AND....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BABY GIRL, ASHLEY!! Ok, she's not a baby anymore. Today she turned 21. But, she'll always be my baby girl...MY Ashley-poo!!

I know in my previous blog, Being Processed, I said that you probably wouldn't see a post until the 4th, but I didn't want to start the new year like a snail.....that would be, moving slowly. I heard it early this morning...HAPPY DOUBLE-O..7! THAT'S WUS UP!!