Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Happiness Is... Day 4

Day 4...Love

Today's Tip
The secret to successful Christian living lies in your submission to the Spirit of God. If you call yourself a Christian, then God has commanded you to love people...and it's a commandment that covers both saints and sinners.

What I took from it...
Directly from the book..."Love is a choice. Genuine love requires effort. If you want to build relationships that last, you must be willing to do your part." NEED I SAY ANYMORE?!?!?

AQ. (Amber's Question) Who do you love? Do they know?

AA. (Amber's Answer) I have a number of people that I love...first is GOD...this should go without saying, but I feel as if I should say anyway...then...(arranged alphabetically so I don't get in any trouble) Al, Angie, Ashley, Daddy (Michael), Daddy (Russell), George, Harmony, Jarice, Jo, Mom, Natasha, Ocean, Ramel, Tamara, Tyra....There are more, but these people play a VERY ACTIVE role in my life. You ask do they know?!?!?! ABSOLUTELY!!! I tell them EVERY CHANCE I GET!!! Tomorrow is never promised, make sure the people you love know, including GOD!!

My Conclusion from Today's Tip...
It's funny that this is the topic for today because last night I received a text from my baby brother, who isn't a baby...but whatever... It read... I love u! Today is I love u day!! Send to 7 people you love dearly, whether it's friendship or real love.
Hmmm....I sent it to a few people, but, I stopped...Why do we need a day, or a text to say I love you??? I tell the people above, including God, that I love them ALL THE TIME!!! ASK THEM IF YOU'D LIKE!!! I put, what I feel is alot, of effort into all of my relationships. However, I have my setbacks, but I do what I can to correct them...Do you know what your setbacks are?

1 comment:

Natasha A. Pierre said...

I love you Amby Wamby!!!

But one of the names on your list SOOOOOO should NOT be there.

Guess who it is?!