Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Happiness Is... Day 3

Day 3...A Way of Mind

Today's Tip
Happiness is a positive interpretation of the world and it's events. Happiness requires that you train yourself to see the good in everything, no matter what happens.

What I took from it...
How'd that song go??? "Don't worry, be happy!" Don't allow fear, anger, worry, anger, or negativity consume your thoughts. Allow yourself to think positive and be positive. Life is too short to be unhappy!!

AQ. (Amber's Question) How is your mind trained? Are you happy now? Were you happy yesterday? If you see unhappiness, or negativity, how do you intend on making adjustments?

AA. (Amber's Answer) My mind is traind to be positive, but allow negativity to take over from time to time. I am happy now and I was happy yesterday. I don't ever want to be negative, but I realize that I can be, so what I will begin to do is remove people from my spiritual life that don't reflect positivity, which will in turn, hopefully, put me back on track.

My Conclusion from Today's Tip...
I have become a people watcher. I watch people in New York, on the train, walking down the street, in the mall, etc... When I people watch, I look at people's faces. I never see smiles. Why is that? I was one of them. MY INTENTION...TO CHANGE...I don't want to continue to live my life in this fashion.

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